Arcadia 1957 Tharalson's Backyard Don't forget to turn on your speakers.

  Arcadia 1957 - Tharalson's Backyard
My Dad shot this movie in 1957 using our Bell and Howell 8mm Turret camera.     
Starring: Chuck Tharalson, Butch Tharalson, Willie Baruch, Dan Newton and Roger Bailey.
Thirty years later in 1987, I copied this movie to a VHS tape using our RCA CamCorder.

Around 2001 I converted the movie to digital using Pinnacle hardware and software.

In July 2008 I converted the movie once again using ProShow Gold software.

Proshow creates a high resolution file but was not able to improve the quality of the original movie (no surprise.)

In the future I plan to have a Lab professionaly convert the original 8mm film to digital (complete with Color Correction) and then re-create the movie complete with titles, credits and music.

A later project will be to convert a 1960 8mm movie of Chuck Tharalson and Jerry Collins Pole Vaulting during a Track Meet at Arcadia High School with Coach Bob Jackson.

Please be patient while the Tharalson movie is downloading.  It is a very large file and may take anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

I hope you find it worth the wait!

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Hope you enjoy the movie !